Application form for volunteers

20th Berwick Film & Media Arts Festival 2025

Do you have an account at Berwick Film & Media Arts Festival?

Please sign in first

Personal details

(if applicable)
Please include your country calling code
Please make sure we can reach you on this number during the festival
For your badge
Maximum file size: 5 MB, allowed extensions: jpg or png.

Emergency contact

Please include your country calling code
Please make sure we can your emergency contact on this number during the festival

Education & Experience

(Please select all applicable years)

Availability & Location

Please use the section below to indicate which times you will be available. We understand you may need to amend this nearer the time.

(Please note, this is just to help us with scheduling, these are not specific shift patterns.)

Thursday, 27 March

Friday, 28 March

Saturday, 29 March

Sunday, 30 March

Other information

(Physical/Visual/Communication etc)
(e.g. allergies)
(if applicable)